off to see the world, there's such a lot of world to see


Pleasant Valley Sanctuary Meditation Retreat

What I Wore:
Sunglasses: Chanel
Top: Vintage
Shorts: Top Shop
Sandals: Birkenstocks

Our first night in California was spent at Pleasant Valley Sancutary, a yoga and meditation retreat in North San Juan.  We stayed in this yurt in the forest, where I watched some dear in the morning while I was reading.
What I Wore:
Purse: H&M
I can't recall what tree this came from, but these giant pine cones would make fantastic Christmas decorations, no?
Under this tent is where we did yoga once a day.  It was incredibly hot there in the middle of July, even though we had yoga early in the morning before breakfast.  By the end of the session you could really feel the heat of the sun penetrating the tent, great to loosen up those muscles though!
All the food at the retreat is grown here in their garden.
For the day we drove a little bit down the canyon to the South Yuba River, which runs under the road.  Further up there is a waterfall running down on some rocks, which you can sit in.  It was incredibly hot that day.  We didn't bring enough water either (can you tell we don't come from a dry climate).  It was awful walking back up the canyon to our car.  
What I Wore:
Bathing Suit: Sea Folly
Anklet: Vendor in Mexico
It was my parents' anniversary that day, so my dad had a local florist send these beautiful flowers over.
I have never met more lovable kitties than the ones at the sanctuary.  They reminded me of my puppy.
Some of the delicious home grown vegetarian food we had at the sanctuary.
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